ID: 5997
Wings Without Borders III
icon Knowledge
Category: The Crow's 3rd Jewel

- Description:
The heavens, the earth and trees, even the floating Musical Spirits have their own unique palette of colors.

The queens of the capital Grána heard tales of the Crow Merchant Guild, and would easily grant them entry. The guild thoroughly searched the forests of Kamasylvia from foggy Ash Forest to the ever-so-dangerous-to-approach Gyfin Rhasia Temple. For the Crow Merchant Guild,

Kamasylvia was a place of more meaning than others. For them, the idea of something being rare was different to how other regions regarded so. A place still intact and coexisting with the forest preserved:that was what they regarded truly precious; all of the time and effort invested in its existence.

Even the unknown yet common herbs that grew all throughout the Tooth Fairy Forest were precious, for by someone's hands with time and dedication they had become part of the forest.
Can be obtained through [Interaction]
What kind of items are traded at Crow's Nest?
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jhowcrin 13-01-2022 09:08
Cyn79 28-04-2023 02:42
I don't get this... Have tried multiple times with several different characters (I have 11), all of them are over lvl 60 & it let's me read thru the chat...but doesn't pick-up the knowledge

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