ID: 13029
Silverfrond and Bahit La Lecona I
icon Knowledge
Category: Society of Equilibrium

- Description:
The raging flame, Ynix, is capable of incinerating even gods. Perhaps it symbolizes the forbidden love of Silverfrond.

Silverfrond dared to fall in love with a dragon, and for that, he bore the curse of the six witches.

The god of hope, Kzarka, promised to grant his wish if he offered the god-burning flame, Ynix. It enchanted Silverfrond, who journeyed to Orzeca with the Ynix and the Knights of Dawn.

The mission to sever the chains of greed was also the hope and desire of Bahit La Lecona. Silverfrond, wielding the blazing Ynix, stood before Kzarka. The god of corruption, in all his majesty, beckoned Silverfrond:

"Silverfrond, show me Ynix."

And on that day, to quell the unending greed named hope, Bahit La Lecona set ablaze the Divine Tree Quturan and the god of hope, Kzarka. But he was unaware.
Can be obtained in [Society of Equilibrium]
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MzXN 1-02-2024 08:30

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