ID: 12875
End of the Sezec Who Ignored Burhan
icon Knowledge
Category: Ulukita Wilds Adventure Log I

- Description:
There were mercenaries who ignored Burhan's words that there was no benefit in occupying Tremorin Hill and attacked it with a kindred spirit. The porters of the mercenaries had no choice but to follow them, and the problem was that only the porters survived while all the mercenaries died to the vengeful dead.

The porters did whatever they could to attract the monsters' attention in order to survive. They threw anything they could find, except for food to alleviate hunger and thirst, and narrowly avoided being attacked by the monsters. Among them, there were also gold and treasures that would make them prosperous in the future, but they were not as eye-catching as the jingling sound... There was nothing that caught the attention as much as that.
Can be obtained through [Interaction]
- Tremorin Hill
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stavik96 24-08-2023 19:35

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