ID: 11377
End of Tomorrow
icon Knowledge
Category: Abyss Adventure Log I

- Description:
Only ye who opposes providence shall be able to leave.

"Ascend the providence of time and space which flows like the rushing river, and there you will find everything rewound. Become entrapped in the maelstrom of providence, and you shall forever repeat the path of pilgrimage. Only the enlightened will find the end to this rewinding journey."

Oberin, self-titled greatest boss of the Great Desert, read a line from an old text bequeathed by his grandmother and threw it away. He had hoped to quickly sell goods to earn massive profits... Unable to refuse his grandmother's desperate request, Oberin embarked on the pilgrimage.
His grandmother had always instructed Oberin to speak kindly, be mindful of others, reflect on your life choices, repent, and plan for an upright future... but Oberin founded a merchant guild in secret and left. And yet, on that journey, one by one, his members disappeared, along with some of his valuable wares... Soon, all but Oberin was left, circling the path of pilgrimage in a desperate search for his lost wares.
Can be obtained through [Abyss One: The Magnus Main Questline]
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icon - [The Magnus] End of Tomorrow
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