ID: 10689
Syca's Record #13: Enduring Torture to Conquer
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Category: Syca's Records - Adolescence

- Description:
The creatures in the abyss of Sycrakea slowly dry up their prey, draining them of all their nutrients. Like them, I feel no pity for draining Orze, the betrayer. She cozied up to Vaha in order to get a hold of his blueprints. I know she intends to form a legion for the Goddess of Darkness.

I have no desire to take pity on her... even at the sight of her trembling when I tell Vaha how she has betrayed us.

It's only a matter of time now until Vaha's blueprints are mine. I can finally claim victory in the Gladios.
Atoraxxion: Centilutos

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