ID: 4782
Karanlığın Hükümdarı, Belmorn
icon Bilgi
Elde etme ihtimali: 5.00%
Kategori: Boss

- Açıklama:
Belmorn, Karanlığın Hükümdarı, hevesini yerine getirmek için Jordine'ın bedenine ve ruhuna sahipti. Ama Kadim Köken Muhafızı Alustin ve Gizli Muhafızlar Kadim Işık'ı yarattılar ve bu ışık Belmorn'un gücünün çoğunu mühürlü hale getirdi.
Karanlığın Hükümdarı, Belmorn
Şundan elde edilir:
- Karanlığın Hükümdarı, Belmorn
Şundan elde edilir:
- Karanlığın Hükümdarı, Belmorn
Göre sırala: Puan Tarih
xerios 20-01-2018 00:50
Deleted knowledge on my main character who did the questline and went to Freharu in Port Epheria. The button to get the knowledge back was not available. womp womp. Tried on another character and tried after swapping servers. This is not a knowledge you can delete and get back immediately. I'll end up doing the story line again on a new char to get the knowledge again. I did confirm it works if you did not get the knowledge initially while doing the missions you can go to Freharu in Port Epheria to get the initial knowledge, you just can't delete and consistently ask to get it back.
Alyxzander 4-02-2018 12:36
This has been changed. I just deleted Knowledge and was able to obtain it by talking to Freharu in Port Epheria.
xerios 5-02-2018 21:05
Yup - they fixed it the very next patch after I had originally posted. I was able to go back do two resets back to to back and grab S rank. Thanks!

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