ID: 1354
icon Knowledge
Category: Vendors of O'dyllita

- Description:
Colette, the Imperial Fishing Delivery Manager of the capital city of O'draxxia, is perhaps the only Ahib with extensive sailing experience.

Ever since she arrived in O'dyllita, she was responsible for the O'dyllita Sea until O'draxxia was deemed safe. Back in Kamasylvia, she had never ventured out to sea, but her human slaves were quite experienced in sailing ships. She used to finish her patrols by merely getting on and off boats and leaving the rest to her slaves. Nowadays, she enjoys fishing at ponds in O'draxxia's garden or Salanar's land with a fishing rod that her most favored young human slave gave to her as a gift...
O'draxxia Imperial Fishing Delivery
Obtained from:
- Colette

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