ID: 12747
Dokkebi of Our Land
icon Knowledge
Category: Morning Light Collection of Tales II

- Description:
Dokkebi have interesting names. They refer to each other by their special traits. However, some special Dokkebi and Dokkebi that have great achievements are given unique names. For example: Duoksini and Dokkebi Princess.

Dokkebi that have lost their minds are extremely vicious, but kind by nature. They inherently like humans but can act mischievous at times. Before Soopmol Village became a ruin, Dokkebi Forest was a place of harmony for humans and Dokkebi.

"Is anyone hurt? Over here! I'll treat you with the Ouchy Pill Basket!" - Ouchkebi
Can be obtained through [Quest]
- Land of the Morning Light: Sorrowful Tale Turned Joyous
Obtained from:
icon - Sorrowful Tale Turned Joyous

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