ID: 11529
Ataraxia's Records: Homecoming
icon Knowledge
Category: Ataraxia's Footsteps

- Description:
It's been oh so exhausting ever since I first stepped into Valencia, and yet, the people here are bright and the city pleasant enough, especially their pies. I've wandered here and there after I lost my memories, and I think I need return to the Obsidian Ashes and make amends to any outstanding issues at hand. But before I do, I need to return to Balenos and sell off all of these Valencian wares I've amassed... Hehehe... Once I've resolved my issues, I'll return to continue my trade in Valencia and buy my very own villa to live off on for the rest of my life! Oh, and all the Fig Pies for you to stuff your face, Neigh Neigh!

As I've taken from the land, so too may it be blessed.
And may my trade goods on that ship arrive safely to their destination.
Can be obtained through [Quest] Obsidian Ashes
Arethel in Obsidian Ashes said she found records left behind by Ataraxia.
Obtained from:
icon - Ataraxia's Energy #5

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