ID: 11186
Yolu's Records #14: Light in the Dark Abyss
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Category: Yolu's Records - Adolescence

- Description:
Eventually, I reached Syca's stronghold, and I could not help but be disappointed. His weapons looked a lot like Vaha's weapons, but they did not work properly. The unorganized threads somehow resembled what the inside of Syca's mind might look like.

Why is it that Syca is constantly comparing herself to Vaha? Couldn't he just acknowledge Vaha, and continue his own research one step at a time?

It was hard for me to understand and I didn't want to bother trying, but I couldn't help but worry a little. He'd become so grim since returning from the outside world. I thought of the light I saw in the stronghold of the sun, and I handed over some lightstones to Syca. Poor Syca, what would he do without me?
Atoraxxion: Amarillos

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