ID: 10590
Paruo's Cherished Memory
icon Knowledge
Category: The Great Expedition V

- Description:
Cap'n! We may be lost from yer memories, but it's okay, cause ye still be in ours! Queek! Just ask, and we can all fill ye in regarding the gaps in your memories! In fact, we'll just tell ye even if ye not be curious! Queek! Where should I begin....

How about the time we first met!? Ye sailed in on yer Crow vessel and laid waste to the island's port. Queek queek! Then ye said, "Maties! I'm comin' aboard!" While yer ship completely smashed the latest installment to pieces. They took us ages to build, but none protested! As soon as I saw ye, Cap'n, I just knew. 'Queek! This human be the Cap'n we've searched so long for!' So, I was the first mate to climb aboard yer ship, and would soon become yer right-hand Otter. Queek!

- Paruo of the Slippery Scallywags
Can be obtained through [Corsair Succession Quest]
Ecstatic to be reunited with the Cap'n, Paruo can't stop chattering. Let's keep listening.

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