ID: 9958
Catherine's Journal
icon Knowledge
Category: Sylvia's Legacy Adventure Log II

- Description:
When the clear tears flow as we face the Spirit's sorrow, the lamp of Atanis will lead upon our dark, moonless path.

This is the phrase that was written on the first page of the sealed journal of Princess Catherine, who heard the secret about Kamasylve's Light from the Atanis Spirit.
It is said that her journals can be found in many places in Kamasylvia, but only the one who meets the condition that was mentioned in the phrase can read it.

Her journal of spring can be found in the nest of flamingo around Navarn Steppe, the journal of summer is kept by Saint Anbelif of Old Wisdom Tree, the journal of fall can be found in a playground at the beautiful Lake Flondor, and the journal of winter is kept by the Luthraghon elder.
Can be obtained through [Main Quest]
Obtained from:
icon - [Kamasylvia] Catherine's Story

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