ID: 2227
icon Knowledge
Category: People of Ulukita Wilds

- Description:
The Darkseekers, though resembling humans, are in fact fervent cultists, showing little mercy to others. Among them, Phan stands out for his insatiable curiosity. He's torn between an overwhelming desire to engulf the world in sorrow and a concern that such destruction would reduce his chances to satiate his inquisitiveness.

Interestingly, while he sees adventurers and those from Mediah as lesser beings, instead of ending their lives, he often interrogates them, driven by his curiosity. When other Darkseekers challenge him, believing he might be diluting their holy quest to cleanse Mediah of the royal family's corruption, Phan's retort is fierce. He argues that his inquisitiveness is geared toward realizing an even graver Mediah, engulfed in profound despair and absolute void, and warns them against any profane thoughts.
Can be obtained through [Dialogue]
Obtained from:
- Phan

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