ID: 10951
Mutant Humans
icon Knowledge
Category: Everfrost Adventure Log III

- Description:
The Humans climbed the cliff to gaze upon the swamps as Nol had, yet they could see naught. Only thick clouds of dust kicked-up by the Mutants. The Humans looked anxious, then turned to Nol in anger.

"The Hawk doth spout nonsense to cloud our better judgment! Our wisdom is all that is left to us..."
"Let us leave these lands and make for the forbidden Black Mountain! The Great Founder beckons!"
And with that, the Humans left, and these barren lands became what we now know today as Nol's Perch.

- The First Hawk Abets - (Vol. 2) Mutant Humans -
Can be obtained through [Main Quest]
- Mountain of Eternal Winter
Obtained from:
icon - [Everfrost] The First Story

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