ID: 10444
Vaha's Records #10: Remodeling the Kyvelan Hexahedron
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Category: Vaha's Records - Childhood

- Description:
We were all reunited at Atoraxxion once more. I told them about the tracks and the device I'd thought up. The other Dehkimas, however, just shook their heads. They didn't understand why we needed more devices when we already had Kyvelan Hexahedrons set up in different sites around Atoraxxion.

In the end, I alone designed the tracks for myself, thus improving the movement of the Kyvelan Hexahedrons. I suppose the other Dehkimas are already at it, making new weapons. However, they will come to realize just how useful these tracks once I'm done with this task.

When that time comes, I'm confident that the other Dehkimas fighting over one another to get their tracks installed.
Atoraxxion: Urukios and Lucretia

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