ID: 2217
icon Knowledge
Category: People of Ulukita Wilds

- Description:
Situated at the heart of Ulukita, Muzgar boasts not only of its Black Stone mining potential but also its pivotal role as a transportation nexus. Sensing an opportunity, the merchant guild initiated a unique venture: the Muzgar Committee.

They brought on board Dematur, a Sezec mercenary with claims of a former priestly life, as their chairman. Their proposition? Granting the blessings of Asula in return for donations toward village development.

However, a wrinkle emerges. For Sezec mercenaries, embracing the priestly way is about taming their wild disposition. But Dematur, in stark contrast, exudes anything but tranquillity. Adding to the intrigue, whispers suggest his so-called priestly journey may be tied to the Rhutum tribe.

Regardless, the fiery Dematur has a peculiar demand of adventurers: delicacies as a sign of goodwill. Above all, he has a particular penchant for the Calpheon Meal, lauding its savory richness as a testament to Calpheon's opulence.
Can be obtained through [Dialogue]
Obtained from:
- Dematur

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