ID: 50841
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Horoscope: Hammer
sympathy Interest Level: 34 ~ 53
sympathy Favor: 34 ~ 38

Everfrost Adventure Log II (0/6)
Omua's Circle (0/6)
Natives of Everfrost (0/6)
- Description:
Montene, work supervisor of Eilton, has earned the gratitude of all human workers in town. Those who manage to escape the iron mine barely do and end up mindlessly wandering about in the Mountain of Eternal Winter. Montene makes it his personal mission to save the lost souls by helping them find a home in Eilton before they become initiated into the gangs of Everfrost.

Currently, he's trying to find a way to unlock the shackles from the necks of his latest rescued slaves, but the shackles stubbornly won't come undone, as if bound by some spell.

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