ID: 47375
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1

- Description:
Vusla, a young historian who grew up receiving education from the famous historian Maudi Budar in Mediah.

Although he is talented, he has some bad habits, probably because he has been well-liked among people since he was young. When the Shen Merchant Guild, which embarked on the development of Ulukita in southern Mediah, began to deeply immerse themselves in archaeology, Vusla didn't want to miss this opportunity and eagerly joined the Shen Ruins Expedition. In fact, Vusla, unlike other children, has little interest in dreams or great discoveries. What is important to him is honor and wealth. He came to this city of the dead, believing that the Shen Merchant Guild, which is wealthy and well-connected, would lead him to a bright future. Perhaps Shen himself doesn't fully understand the ways of the world and chose Vusla because he is easy to handle due to his young age.

The City of the Dead is quite fascinating. However... Vusla has become increasingly irritated by the recent sounds of a child crying from somewhere outside...

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