ID: 13032
Silverfrond and Bahit La Lecona IV
icon Knowledge
Category: Society of Equilibrium

- Description:
Labreska fell silent and her tears bloomed into an Okjinsini. The Okjinsini handed over the staff, forged from the heart as Labreska had described, to Bahitram, leaving words of gratitude.

When asked what it was thankful for, the Okjinsini shook its head, saying it didn't know. Only Labreska, its now silent origin, would know.

Bahitram, receiving the staff, sorted out his confused feelings, recalling his last encounter with the strange Silverfrond after defeating Kzarka, amidst all the confusion.

"All this misfortune that started with the Ynix has not ended, and now the world will harbor a new desire to kill the gods. My curse, Erethea who gave up everything for me, and even Labreska who laid her heart bare...

I believed that the Ynix would gift us rest, but it led everyone to tragedy. Unable to extinguish the endlessly burning cold..."
Can be obtained in [Society of Equilibrium]
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MzXN 1-02-2024 08:31

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