ID: 13031
Silverfrond and Bahit La Lecona III
icon Knowledge
Category: Society of Equilibrium

- Description:
Bahit La Lecona, seeking to honor Ynix and Silverfrond who saved him and Orzeca, headed to Labreska on the snowy mountain. However, Ynix and Silverfrond did not come to the mountain.

Something was eating away at Labreska's mind, and she left her last few words, almost like a will, to Bahit La Lecona.

"Silverfrond? Have you brought the Ynix...? Wait, has your curse... disappeared? Haha... Finally, you've done it...! But Silverfrond... I don't understand this feeling... My life was filled with clear dichotomies... be it victory or defeat... life or death.

But you... my feelings toward you are not. Is it love? Hatred? I wished to bury the answer along with my heart... This staff -- the legacy my heart leaves behind, forged with those enigmatic feelings -- will thirst for the Ynix. It will lead its wielder to the Ynix, and eventually you.

Why will this person seek the Ynix? For vengeance, or for justice? Would they kill you, or persuade you for it...?"
Can be obtained in [Society of Equilibrium]
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MzXN 1-02-2024 08:30

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